Design and Predictions for a High-Altitude
(Low-Reynolds-Number) Aerodynamic
Flight Experiment

July 1999
Donald Greer and Phil Hamory
Dryden Flight Research Center
Edwards, California

Keith Krake
Sparta Inc.
Edwards, California

Mark Drela
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Table 1 of this report includes the airfoil coordinates for a 37.22
inch chord given here:

37.22 0.00
34.00 0.90
31.50 1.50
28.98 2.01
26.44 2.45
23.90 2.80
21.35 3.05
18.80 3.22
16.23 3.29
13.69 3.26  
11.14 3.13  
8.63  2.89   
6.17  2.52   
3.81  2.00   
1.72  1.30   
0.51  0.64   
0.09   0.25   
0.00   0.00 
0.11  -0.25 
0.56  -0.43 
1.94  -0.60 
4.47  -0.81 
6.99  -1.09 
9.45  -1.43 
11.87 -1.57 
14.38 -1.54 
16.96 -1.41
19.57 -1.22
22.20 -0.99
24.84 -0.74
27.48 -0.49
30.11 -0.27
32.70 -0.08
35.23 -0.02
37.22  0.00